Friday, January 20, 2012

Zappo Fans (WHAT??? ODIE fans!)


Mom is making me add this link.This was her first blog, obviously before she found me and had interesting things to write about.  Neigh! Neigh! (ha!)  ODIE!  Be nice.  There are people who might read this Zappos' link and then return to read about "Mr. Wonderful", which would be you. Hmmm, had not considered that.  To see me is to adore me and I have a lot to say.  Plez.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

from one of MY FANS

Hay, ODIE fans!

I love having Mom read your messages to me and those BIG BOY commercials are awesome.  Keep them coming, plez.  Loved this one and it just goes to show that any horse can achieve his dream.  Mine is to be Mom's forever horse.   ODIE

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

regarding that "FETCH" thing

YO, Mom!  Been thinking about the "FETCH" trick on youtube.  Cute but really lame for horses.  See link below for how REAL HORSES "fetch".  xxxxODIE

One Year of Haffie Love... 2011

January 15, 2011... I met Mom and took her for a ride.  There was snow on the trail in Liberty, NC but I was careful.  Actually, it was love at first sight for Mom.  Mom could not stop hugging me after the ride or giving me carrots. Megan, my owner, wanted me to have a forever home and was willing to give Mom a try.  Dad was only interested in holding "Fuzzy", the cat.

Megan delivered me to Mom on January 21,2011.  How do I know all these dates, well duh...Mom told me.  I am now in the mountains of North Carolina and it is cold.  But Mom loves me.  Check out my mane.

This is Mom's favorite picture where I am not only adorable but inquisitive.

I call this "my precious look" , March in Dupont.  Keep looking at my mane.  Mom's sister calls this my "military look".

Kids ADORE me!!!  Here I am doing 4-H at Shoal Creek Farm in Dupont.

Baby, I'M A ROCK STAR!!  Listening to a 4-H  talk at Shoal Creek Farm while all the kids wanted to do was PET me and RIDE me!!!

OK.  So some days I got a little (lot) dirty playing in the pasture.  Look at my mane.

Mom tried to clean me but it was too cold for a bath.  Notice her lovely safety knot!

June camp at Shoal Creek Farm.  Loved all that grooming from the kids.

All right...enough with the kissing, Mom.  You are getting lipstick on my very clean face.  Is Mom wearing pearls to the barn??? 

Who is the most handsome Haflinger in the world???  Obviously, I am from the look on Mom's face!!  Go, ODIE!!!

Styling and walking calmly with Mom.  Summer 2011.  Aunt Kim, from Scotland, took this picture.

Handsome ME at Cross Creek Stable in the fall.

Check out my mane and the beginnings of my winter coat.  Hope I do not have to wear a blanket.

If you look deeply into my eye, you can see Aunt Kim taking my picture.  Cool, huh?  If you look even deeper, you can see how much I love Mom. I hope we have many, many years together.   LOVE....ODIE the Haffie Horse

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



You are awesome but I totally refuse to learn this trick.  Only DOGS fetch.  Let's practice more bowing for carrots, 'K??



HAY, ODIE fans!  HAPPY NEW YEAR from your favorite Haflinger in North Carolina.  This is my best photo and makes me look a lot younger. I am 20 this month, seriously.  On New Year's Day, I was sunning in my pasture when Mom & a lady arrived with a horse trailer.  Now, it was a perfect day for a ride but somehow, I did not think that was going to happen.  However, I like to take trailer rides so I trotted right inside and settled down to noshing on some yummy hay.  Any time without that dreaded grazing mask is good.   Mom & the lady get into the truck and off we go. BUT...wait. Where are we going????  

It was a short ride on the BIG road (I love the BIG roads with all the trucks whizzing past) to my new home, Hickory Hill Stables.  Now tell me again, why we moved?  [Ok, ODIE. Your new barn is just 4 miles from my home. That's great because I can visit you all the time]  HMMMM...this could be bad. [ are being such a brat.  You will have tons of time with all your new buddies and the best part, no grazing muzzle until Spring.]  Ok, new buddies & no muzzle are good.  Back to the barn...large stalls, great hay and full of horses, which means gossip.  Mr. Perry owns the barn and thinks I am cute.  Liza is the manager and thinks I am adorable with huge, happy eyes.  So far, so good unless Mom tells them about my ability to slither under fences. [They already know and are prepared for your Houdini tricks. BUSTED!]   First, I inspect my new "room" and taste the water...refreshing.  Then Mom takes me for a tour of the barn, the pastures and a walk with a spotty horse with big eyes & a short tail & his nice owner.  [ODIE!! You can be so rude. "Spotty horse" is a special breed called Appaloosa and their tails are supposed to be short.  Lakota is his name. He is wearing a fly mask with eye protectors because he had eye surgery.  You have to wear a fly mask ALL the time because your eyes are so sensitive to sunlight and dust. Behave, please.]  Whatever.  Lakota's owner was nice and wanted to let us eat grass on our tour of the property.  But, OH NO!  Mom snapped my halter and informed me that I was working.  Working?  Thought we were doing a friendly stroll around the pastures??  When Mom is in work mode, no grass, no treats and I had better follow directions.              Now this is a cool pasture! Look how much room there is to run and play.  But the best part is NO MUZZLE.  [Now, ODIE, remember you will have to wear the muzzle in the Spring but that is a long time away.]  Whatever.  My first day, I was in the pasture with Lakota.  In the next pasture was this tall, brown horse who wanted to run & play.  He was so much fun that I just slithered under the fence onto his side and left Lakota. Nobody yelled at me so I stayed there all day having a great time.  The best part was that the next day this became "OUR" turf since Mr. Perry thought we bonded.  This is my new, best friend:     His name is CHAPA and he is a Thoroughbred.  Chapa was on the racetrack once and loves to run.  Chapa's "room" is across the aisle from mine which means we can talk all night, too.  How cool to have a best friend, at last.  Chapa's mom is from Argentina & she makes him behave, too.  Life in 2012 is looking good.